Please find a quick and easy overview of the the most frequently asked questions as follows. Here is a collection of the links to the most useful pages explaining how to use some of the basic features and fix any problems you may encounter while using Cronnomy.

To learn more, click the link that best matches the information you're looking for:

No. Cronnomy free account is absolutely free. However, it is important to note that the "free" account comes with many limitations that do not exist when you upgrade to one of our premium accounts. if you would like to maintain your free Cronnomy account, you must log into your account once a month. Failure to do so will result in expiration and loss of your free account. This activity helps us eliminate free accounts that are no longer needed and/or dormant.

Cronnomy only allows one account per person. We will automatically detect and disable new accounts linked to existing customers. If you need a second account for a specific reason, please contact us.

Click on the "I forgot my password" link in the Cronnomy Sign up screen. Enter your registered email address and hit "Reset Password". You will receive an email to the registered email address with the password reset link. Click the link and reset the password. You will now be able to login to your Cronnomy account with your new password.

To report any abuse or suspicious activity received from one of our customers, please contact us using our Report abuse form.

After registering, you will receive an activation email at the email address you entered during registration. Click the link in the email to activate your account.

Feel free to send us an email.